Career Prep 2030
In order to serve the economic needs of our region and the life-long employability of our students, we need to increase the number of students engaging in high-quality career and technical education (CTE) and work-based learning opportunities. West Michigan is competing with other peer metropolitan areas across the country for economic development.
- CTE students graduate at a higher rate than non-CTE students.
- CTE students enroll in college at the same rate as other students.
- More than 75% of employers from in-demand industries report hiring an employee because of knowledge and skills gained through CTE.
- CTE students are high-wage earners and earn more than $2 million over their lifetimes, on average.
Our Goal & Strategies
We want to double the number of students participating in Career and Technical Education (CTE) in Kent ISD by 2030. To do this, we will:
Our three strategic industries of focus:
Advanced Manufacturing
- 15.9% of West Michigan job today are in manufacturing
- $52.9 billion in sales generated by manufacturing in West Michigan
- The Right Place Manufacturers Council has 35 members committed to advanced manufacturing.
*West Michigan CSA Lightcast 2022
Health Sciences
- 10-year job growth rate of 19%
- 60,522 Health Science jobs
- 433 health science establishments and 50 medical device manufacturers
- $2 billion in investments in the past 20 years
*Lightcast & State of Michigan Bureau of Labor Market Information
- 3,200 tech workers to be hired in next five years
- 78% say tech is "highly important" to strategy
- 72% say they'll be increasing tech hiring in the next five years
- 69% say they'll be increasing their tech training budgets
* Regional Tech Survey Results
Who We Are
Ron Gorman, Superintendent Kent ISD
Randy Thelen, President & CEO, The Right Place
Chris Bardeggia, Vice President, Steelcase
Important Links
Workforce Development
Kent ISD's Workforce Development team is bringing together students and employers to build a skilled and diverse workforce that is necessary for a healthy economy. We look to build relationships between education and business to help students learn career skills and for employers to hire the talent that they need.
Career & College Readiness
The more exposure students have to future career opportunities and the world of work, the more likely they are to choose a career that’s right for them – where they’ll be happy and successful. It’s our job to help students get that exposure.